How to Travel for Practically Free? Helpful Hints and Tips

Since the opening of the borders in 1989, travel has become a very popular activity among Czechs. The Czech Republic is certainly a beautiful country, and for many Czechs, foreign continents and foreign cultures are a major attraction. There is one problem, however. Such trips are not free, and one has to consider the costs of transportation, food, lodging, and hygiene. What has recently become popular among young people is to travel as far as possible without spending any money, or with very little money. With these tips, you may be able to succeed in a similar folly.
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Find travel companions

Many people around the world have similar goals to yours – they want to see interesting places and experience the wonderful feeling of traveling to unknown places and different cultures. That\’s why Facebook groups and websites exist, giving users the opportunity to post their destinations and travel methods. Reason enough is to cut the cost in half and support each other financially (and emotionally). That way, they can share meals, sleep together in the same tent, and use each other\’s cars for some quid pro quo or money.
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Find a “last minute” flight

Air travel is one of the most convenient, safest, and fastest. However, most people are afraid of heights and are put off by the price, among other things. Air travel is not affordable enough to replace bus travel. The exception is the “last minute discount,” which offers last minute tickets for a few kronas for a flight a few hours or minutes before departure. The disadvantage of such travel, however, is the uncertainty as to whether there is availability on the plane.

Try hitchhiking

It may not seem like a safe travel option, but sometimes there are no other options. With every last cent in your pocket, it is hard to hail a cab and there should be at least one car on the road that will stop for you. The downside to this trip, however, is that it is dangerous because you never know who you will be in the car with.

Don\’t look for overpriced hotels

One of the most expensive things about traveling is hotels. A hotel for just one night can cost hundreds of dollars. Look for different options for lodging. The best option would be to pitch a tent at the edge of the forest, which can be pitched at any time, and spend the night there. There are free hostels in the Nordic countries where you can spend the night without paying, or you can pitch your tent in someone\’s yard without getting kicked out. In extreme cases, you can even lie down on a park bench and sleep for a few hours.

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